Business Case Studies, Corporate Strategy Case Study, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones

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Corporate Strategy Case Study

Case Title:

The Wall Street Journal: Changing with the Times

Publication Year : 2007

Authors: Mridu Verma

Industry: Publishing


Case Code: COS0087P

Teaching Note: Not Available

Structured Assignment: Not Available

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Dow Jones’s overall performance is largely dependent on the operating performance of The Wall Street Journal (Journal), its flagship brand, which is dependent upon business-to-business advertising. The circulation and advertising revenue of The Journal has been steadily falling with the advent of internet. In 2007, it is being revamped and its business model is being overhauled to suit the changing market scenario. It will be the first major American paper to push significant portions of traditional newspaper functions onto the Web site, leaving the paper itself to focus more on news analysis. The case discusses the dynamics of the newsprint industry, The Journal’s competition and the changes in its strategy over the years.

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To discuss the dynamics of the newsprint industry
  • To analyse Wall Street Journal’s competition and the changes in its strategy over the years.

Keywords : Dow Jones; Restructuring / Turnaround Strategies Case Study; Business Model; Brand Revamp; Restructuring exercise; target audience; Business strategy; internet news

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